Scheduling Tips for the Busy Season

It is that time of year again, “Moving Season”!  May – October is a busy time of the year for Road Scholars Moving, and especially now that we are coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are finding ourselves very busy!   Here are a few notes to consider as you plan your move date.

How far out are you normally booked?

  • We are currently booking out about 2-5 weeks in advance depending on your desired dates, so make sure to get your move on our books as soon as you can!

When are your busiest days?

  • Our busiest days are the last 5-6 days of the month and the first few days of the new month.  Friday – Monday dates and morning time slots are also in high demand.

When is the best time to schedule a move?

  • We will work with your schedule the best we can, but our least busiest days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the middle of the month.


Please call us with any questions and to inquire about our availability.  We look forward to helping you with your move!

Thank you,

Road Scholars Moving